ERP Implementation and Advisory
ERP Implementation and Advisory
Many companies often run mission-critical ERP / Core systems without implementing appropriate security and controls because they assume proper controls were established during the initial implementation. The danger in this assumption is that a controls focus and skill set is frequently absent from a systems integrator’s toolkit. Only after a failed audit or an experience of fraud within the organization do many decision-makers recognize that security and controls are essential components of an ERP implementation. Similarly, for enterprises that have been using the ERP / Core systems over a period of time, the security and controls posture slowly decays due to build up of often excessive access, configuration changes that could often have consequential impacts on other areas of configuration diluting controls or that simply data quality and consistency is compromised.
PKF has developed an array of tools and accelerators to leverage the experience of our professionals and help accelerate the design and implementation of security and controls for these ERP / Core projects. Additionally, for companies experiencing the high cost of ineffective security, we assess and redesign the security and controls in these applications. The following service offerings will assist you in achieving the desired level of security, controls and benefits before, during and after an ERP / Core implementation.
- Oracle ERP Implementation and Support Services ( PKF Consulting is a member of the Oracle Partner Network)
- SAP ERP Implementation and Support Services
- ERP / Core Application Controls assessment to assess functional controls.
- ERP Effectiveness assessment to assess whether ERP is being optimally utilized.
- Segregation of Duties (SoD) assessments to determine conflicting and sensitive access.
- ERP Roles Redesign / Remediation services to redesign / delayer access.
- Data Quality assessments to assess data quality and consistency.
- Data migration audit.
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